Over Yemen’s Oil Operations
One of our key objectives is to attract foreign investment to Yemen's oil and gas sector. We organize conferences, exhibitions, and marketing campaigns to showcase investment opportunities and actively collaborate with international oil companies to facilitate their engagement in the Yemeni market.
We oversee all oil exploration and production activities within Yemen, ensuring compliance with national laws and regulations. Our team conducts regular inspections of oil fields and companies to uphold environmental and safety standards.
Construction Progress of New Crude Oil Storage Tank at...
In accordance with our strategic planning and development approach to meet the technical requirements of the company and enhance production and export operations, PEPA has initiated the construction of...
Commemorating World Environment Day 2023: PEPA’s Dedication to Preserving...
World Environment Day, observed globally on June 5th each year, serves as a significant occasion to emphasize the imperative of safeguarding our planet. This day functions as a poignant...
PEPA Job Evaluation Training for JE Committee Members
PEPA Job Evaluation Training for JE Committee Members In March 2022, the Petroleum Exploration and Production Authority (PEPA) conducted an exceptional training program for several of its senior staff...
PEPA Refinery Overhaul for Comprehensive Maintenance
PEPA Refinery Overhaul for Comprehensive Maintenance Date: December 20, 2018 Under the auspices of the Petroleum Exploration and Production Authority (PEPA). In line with a planned maintenance shutdown aimed...
As PEPA, we are a government agency in the Republic of Yemen, and our primary focus is on the exploration and production of oil and gas. Established in 1990 under the Ministry of Oil and Minerals, we play a crucial role in the country’s energy sector. Our commitment to promoting investment and ensuring environmental protection drives us to offer a range of services to support the oil and gas industry in Yemen.
Our Services

Geological Surveys

Providing Technical and Administrative Support to Oil Companies

Conducting Seismic Surveys and Drilling Wells