Environmental Laws (Yemeni)

Environmental Laws (Yemeni)

Article (37)

For the purpose of the environmental impact assessment, the cabinet shall issue a decree for the determination of the standards criterias, specifications. conditions and procedures through which to ascertain and find out whether such proposed project or establishment affects substantially the Environment Protection Law 22 environment or not. Some of these standards and criterias are:

Determination of lists of projects and their categories which are by its nature liable to create such effects (cement industry - oil refineries - preliminary treatment of minerals facilities - pesticides industry - Hazardous waste treatment and storage ... etc.).

Determination of lists of special environmental sensitivity of areas and locations (The historical and archaeological places - wet lands -coral islands. natural protected areas - public parks).

Determination of lists of the resources units (water, equatorial range lands) and environmental problems (increased erosion of the soil and desertification) of importance from an environmental point of view.

The decree referred to in Paragraph (1) of this article shall determine the elements that shall compose the statement and study of the environmental impact assessment, which shall include:

Description of the proposed activity (map of the location - use of the neighboring lands -the project's requirements of water. Energy, drainage and roads - description of manufacturing operations of the project - raw materials handling - incidents and risks and safety methods and measures - disposal of waste …etc.).

Description of the environment that potentially might be affected. ·

Description of alternatives to proposed project
(e.g. using materials of least pollution).

Evaluation and assessment of the probable environmental impact and effects of the proposed activity and the alternatives, including those direct and indirect effects, and short and long term accumulations and contains (solid and liquid waste – gas emissions - land uses - noise levels - socioeconomic factors).

e. The extent to which areas outside the national sovereignty may be affected by the proposed activity.

Article (57)

The Ministry of Oil and Mineral Resources and those concerned public institutions must adhere to the following:

To include the conditions of the protection and maintenance of the environment within the oil contracts that are to be concluded with the national and foreign companies who have been granted permission to explore and exploit and utilize the oil fields and other mineral resources including oil and gas transportation, or to have the treatment of all that is disposed of either of materials, or wastes. These companies must use the safe methods which shall not affect and damage the environment.

The contracts shall contain the penalty conditions and the obligation and liability to pay the costs for removing the damages on the environment as well as compensation for it, in addition to the punishment as stipulated and provided for.

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